A Certain Slant of Light—Laura Whitcomb

Granted it's been about two weeks since I finished this book. I don't know why I put off writing about it...probably because there was nothing significant about this book. It made essentially no impression on me, which is not a good sign in a book.
The premise of this book seemed moderately interesting, and it was short enough to warrant taking the two to three cumulative hours that it took to read it. However, I must say that I was disappointed. It's difficult when you find such an interesting idea, and then are let down by the actuality.
The book begins with the journey of a ghost who can only survive as a ghost as long as she is "attached" to someone. However, she is destined to spend life alone, as obviously no one can see her. Until one day, she is attending class with her current "host," an English teacher at a high school, and a boy looks right at her. She's surprised, and learns that he is actually a fellow ghost who decided to inhabit the body of someone who abandoned it. (The boy who "lived" in the body before him, whose body it actually was, abandoned it during a drug overdose.) She attaches herself to him, letting go physically - if not entirely emotionally at this point - of her previous host. She finds that she can actually touch him and sleep, things she couldn't do before with regular humans.
Probably the most disappointing thing was that I expected it to be more about the mystery of why this boy could see her and the impact that would have on her future, rather than a superficial love story. Gag me. I've read Twilight once, and it was a mistake the first time. I don't need to read another version of it.
As much as I hate to say it, I wouldn't recommend it. There are so many other interesting, thoughtful books in the world.
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